donderdag 16 augustus 2012

Pebble E-Paper watch gets a user interface demo but still no news on a release date

Pebble E-Paper watch gets a user interface demo but still no news on a release dateYou may recall the Pebble E-Paper watch that launched on Kickstarter earlier this year and managed to get over $10 million worth of pledges. Well the guys have released an update on its progress along with a demonstration of the user interface that you can expect to see if you were one of the successful backers.

The Pebble watch will have full connectivity with your iPhone via Bluetooth and will allow you to do things like play music, see message notifications, read emails and it even tells you the time too. The watch was originally slated for release in September but that has now slipped; at this time there is no official shipping date for the Pebble although it is still expected to be this year.

Planning and scheduling a major manufacturing project is complex. We're working hard to complete the interconnected tasks that make up the production process. For me and the hardware engineers on the project, a large percentage of our time is spent exchanging complex spreadsheets filled with components specs by email, Skyping about the dimensions of minute hardware requirements and IMing our manufacturing team and factory. Not super exciting. That's why we've decided to share the more interesting stuff (photos, video and more!) in updates.

The new video shows a prototype Pebble connected to a large board that demonstrates the watch output on a computer screen. The video also shows a watch face on an actual iPhone so you can see what to expect on the display of your watch. At this stage, it is hard to believe that it can all shrink down into a watch sized casing and do everything that has been promised; Pebble still has lots of work to do.

If it does meet all of its expectations, the Pebble watch could be the accessory to own due to its excellent integration with your iPhone and the strong demand for the product. Apple already has the iPod nano that can be worn as a watch however there is no Bluetooth and no way to connect it to your iPhone. If Apple does decide to update the iPod nano this year and add in this sort of functionality then Pebble would have some serious competition on its hands.

Would you be interested in owning a smart watch that can give you quick access to SMS messages, email and other notifications?

Source: Kickstarter

UI preview with Martijn from Pebble Technology on Vimeo.



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