zondag 9 september 2012

Editorial: Could there soon be a new fork in the Android road?


Editors note: We're re-posting this after yesterday's mention of Samsung creating their own operating system by Verizon CEO Lowell McAdam. We don't know that anyone is doing anything at this point, but we thought it was a good time to reopen this discussion.

Android. The word itself makes each of us think of futuristic mechanical things that evolve quickly and know no bounds in their abilities. It's a good word, and perfect to describe the devices we hold with such high regard around these parts. And like the androids we think of from Hollywood movies or dusty old science fiction novels, our phones and tablets are slowly working their way into every nook and cranny of our life, taking over one step at a time. We embrace it, we benefit from it, and most of all we enjoy it.

But Android is changing. Very few phones are released with stock Android, and the custom versions (don't call them skins) are getting more and more intricate and polished. OEMs are putting a lot of work into the software running on the phones they sell, making them stand out as their own product. Join me after the break, and let's talk about what Android is, what it isn't, and what might happen in the future.

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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/androidcentral/~3/jd-D7ijTDc8/story01.htm


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