dinsdag 17 juli 2012

Barnes & Noble launches Nook for Web, gives you 6 free books to try it out with

Android Central

Although somewhat late to the party, Barnes and Noble has today joined the ranks of online e-reading solutions, by launching Nook for Web. No sign-in, software download or Nook account is required to start reading. Books in the Nook store can be instantly sampled online, right within the web browser by clicking the "read instantly" button. Nook for Web is compatible with both PC and Mac, and with all the main internet browsers. 

We're promised support tablets and smartphones this Fall, but a quick trial using Chrome on a Galaxy Nexus, saw Nook for Web working just fine. It's not what you'd call user friendly though on a screen that size, but then it is designed for desktop browsers. 

As you would expect, it syncs your position in your books with your other Nook reading applications, but now finally Nook users can read at their desktop. Amazon and Kobo in particular have had desktop solutions for a while now. Late or not, Barnes and Noble is welcome to the party.

Oh, and for good measure, Barnes and Noble is throwing six free books into the bargain, until July 26. You'll find the full presser after the break, and hit the link below to go try it out.

More: Nook for Web

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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/androidcentral/~3/KzcKkKT7zYQ/story01.htm


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