dinsdag 10 april 2012

Please Welcome Peter Ha, Frederic Lardinois And New Co-Editor Alexia Tsotsis

joe-dimaggio-mickey-mantle-and-ted-williams-1951Sure, legends like Babe Ruth and Mickey Mantle don't play for the Yankees now, but the team hasn't just survived the ups and downs over the years. Hate it or love it, the franchise attracts many of the best players in baseball today, and wins championships. That's TechCrunch, too. Peter Ha is returning to us after a few very solid years of editing successes under his belt. He started out as a CrunchGear writer under John Biggs, back in 2006. He went on to found the Techland blog for Time and turned it into a growth story. Then he became the tech editor at The Daily, News Corp's ambitious tablet project.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/MbzgvS14WD4/


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